
Went out to Gungahlin dirt park this morning to check out the progress that has been made since the FACT (Freestyle ACT) digging jam last Monday & to assess the place before it opens. The place is looking & riding fairly well! If you're keen to get involved in another digging jam to get the place spot on, e-mail us or contact the FACT facebook page.

Just so you know, the park is not open to the public yet, but we want to help to get it open ASAP - so jump on facebook & let us know if you're keen - after all, rider involvement is what it's going to take.

A separated shoulder didn't stop Rhysty digging at the jam last week.


Last set table.
Cheese caption no.1: Tyson helped whip the first set into shape on Monday & then four days later, whips it into shape again. 

Cheese caption no.2 for today & no.672 for the site: Tyson didn't turn down the opportunity to work on the jumps on Monday & was rewarded with a turndown on the third set on Friday. Haha.