
If you didn't see the homepage yet, you'll see that Rhys (the owner) turns 35 this week. To celebrate he's throwing down some serious sales. Check them out here. While you're on the store page you might want to check out the WTF frames, they're something else. Amazing thought process going on at S&M (as always) to make BMX bikes stronger & better. Plus a local rider came into the store & saw it & said 'What the hell' straight away. He was pretty close to saying WTF, so that's a pretty good reaction.

Also Tuggers was hitting today, let's keep the good times rolling. Or at least make the most of this weather while we can. Some photos below.

For those that don't know, Chris Harti has done the sponsor shake up & is now riding for Subrosa - on a chrome horse none the less. Speaking of chrome horses, check out the Subrosa Malum if you're after a new bike for cheap.

 Can't he? Yeah he can can. Tyson over the hip.

 Chris Harti backing his one foot table 3 up with an opposite 270 turndown. Chris' advice for riding goes something like 'Just go as fast as you can at something & then think if I don't pull back as hard as I can, I'm landing flat'.